Top 8 Healthy Plants To Keep In Your Home

Now that we’re stuck inside more than we’re used to, it’s time to make your space work for you. Did you know that your home might be housing more harmful pollutants than outside? These gasses are called volatile organic compounds or VOCs. Things like air fresheners, craft supplies, paint and even household cleaners could be emitting harmful VOCs all around you. But don’t worry, in today’s article we’re going to tell you how you can solve this problem and create clean air space to match that clean workspace with plants. Do plants really have health benefits? Can they boost your mood? Do they really clean the air around you?Let’s find out

1. Spider Plant:

This has to be one of the easiest plants to find and to take care of. 

This plant is really cool looking and prefers lots of bright indirect sunlight. This one is great if you have pets at home as it’s non-toxic and very resilient. Make sure to water this one a few times a week. According to one study from NASA, spotter plants are fantastic at getting rid of formaldehyde from the air. This study was conducted under extremely controlled conditions, so it might not be as effective as the study claims.This plant is also said to remove carbon monoxide and xylene. 

Fun fact, spider plants will grow that you can snip off and repot to create more spider plants. Give them to your friends and family or grow your own collection.

2.Snake Plant:

It likes to be on the drier side, so you shouldn’t need to water it every day. And it can take a wide range of light levels, so it should be ok in most rooms. As long as that room gets some sunlight, you’ll be good to go.This plant looks really cool, and is said to release oxygen into the air along with removing harmful chemicals like formaldehyde, xylene, benzene, toluene, and trichloroethylene.


If you want to add a splash of color to your living room or kitchen, chrysanthemums or mums are a wonderful choice. They come in many colors, including white, orange, yellow and pink. Pet owners beware, this one is toxic to both cats and dogs. While inside, keep these plants damp and in the sunlight. When the weather is warm, you can plant them outside too. Mums are at the top of the list when it comes to air purification. They’re said to remove common toxins like formaldehyde, xylene, ammonia and benzene. However, they’re only working when the flowers are in bloom, so you’ve got about 6 weeks of purification.

4.Ficus or Weeping Fig:

According to NASA’s Clean Air Study, the weeping fig is one of the top contenders for cleansing airborne toxins like formaldehyde, xylene and toluene, which can build up from carpet and furniture cleaners or stain removers. Unfortunately, this one is also toxic to cats and dogs, so keep them away from your pets. On the upside, they’re pretty easy to care for. Just keep them out of direct sunlight, away from any drafts and allow the soil to get pretty dry before watering again. They can get pretty big too, which can be a plus or a negative depending on your living situation.


This plant is perfect for those of you who want something a little different in your home. In fact, you can choose from over 40 different types of Dracaenas.These plants are credited with removing harmful toxins like trichloroethylene which can come from household paint strippers, varnish removers and even adhesives. Pet owners beware, this is another one that’s toxic for your four-legged friends. This plant needs a medium amount of sunlight, so make sure you put it in a room that gets a few solid hours. They can also grow anywhere from 8 to 10 feet, so make sure you’ve got space for this one.

6.English Ivy:

Here’s one that’s really easy to care for, and you can keep it in the bathroom of all places. This one is especially great if you like to dye your hair at home, because English Ivy is said to reduce levels of trichloroethylene, formaldehyde, xylene, ammonia and benzene which can be found in a lot of salon products.It’s also great for the bathroom because this plant is said to help remove mold too. This is another plant that is unfortunately toxic to your cats and dogs. So if you do have some furry friends at home, make sure this plant is completely out of reach. Give it a generous amount of water and at least a few hours of direct sunlight daily. Although it should be able to handle lower levels of light, which is part of what makes this plant so easy to take care of.

7.Peace Lily:

It’s relaxing just thinking about the peace lily. They’re beautiful plants that offer up stunning white flowers when in bloom. This plant is known for having a high transpiration rate. This means that when you water it, the water actually works overtime and helps bring moisture back into the room. 

This reduces dust in the room and can calm any irritants to your eyes, nose and mouth. One study shows that plants like this can reduce dust by 20%. Cool, huh? This one takes a little more work to keep happy, but if you’re up to the challenge, you’ll be rewarded with beautiful lilies. This one is also toxic for pets and requires morning sunlight only. You can mist the leaves and make sure to keep the soil nice and damp.

8.Aloe Vera:

This is one of the easiest plants to care for on our list, and one of the most giving plants too. Aloe vera is where the soothing gel of aloe comes from, and it’s an instant remedy for burns and wound healing, along with skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, insect bites and blisters.It’s great to keep in your kitchen for quick relief of burns or any wounds. Just break off one of the spikes and squeeze out the clear liquid inside. This plant will thrive in full sunlight and is said to help clear the air of toxins like formaldehyde and benzene which can be found in detergents and floor finishes. Just a heads up, this is another plant that’s toxic to your pet.

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